Ryu Nakayama, the director of the popular anime series Chainsaw Man, has officially announced the establishment of his new animation studio. While the studio does not have an official name yet, fans are already speculating that it could be called “Nakayama Animation”. This announcement comes after rumors that Nakayama had left MAPPA or wouldn’t reprise his role as director for Chainsaw Man Season 2.
The Chainsaw Man anime series has been highly anticipated ever since it was announced in December 2020 that the manga will receive an anime series produced by studio MAPPA. The anime premiered on October 11, 2022, and has been well-received by fans. The series features a star-studded cast of voice actors and actresses, including Kikunosuke Toya, Shougo Sakta, Tomori Kusunoki, Ai Fairouz, Shiori Izawa, Mariya Ise, Karin Takahashi, Taku Yashiro, and Kenjiro Tsuda. The anime is directed by Ryu Nakayama, with Hiroshi Seko writing the screenplay and Kazutaka Sugiyama designing the characters.
The establishment of Nakayama’s new animation studio is a significant development for the anime industry. Fans are eagerly waiting for more information about the studio and its upcoming projects. We can expect that the studio will produce high-quality anime content, given Nakayama’s experience and expertise in the field.
Nakayama has been a prominent figure in the anime industry for several years. He has worked on several popular anime series, including Attack on Titan, Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress, and Vinland Saga. His work on Chainsaw Man has been particularly noteworthy, with fans praising his direction and attention to detail.
The establishment of Nakayama’s new animation studio is a testament to his passion for the anime industry. It is exciting to see what the future holds for the studio and its upcoming projects. Fans of the Chainsaw Man anime series can look forward to more thrilling content from the director and his team.
In conclusion, the establishment of Ryu Nakayama’s new animation studio is a significant development for the anime industry. Fans are eagerly waiting for more information about the studio and its upcoming projects. Given Nakayama’s experience and expertise in the field, we can expect that the studio will produce high-quality anime content. It is exciting to see what the future holds for the studio and its upcoming projects, and fans of the Chainsaw Man anime series can look forward to more thrilling content from the director and his team.
Source: cbr, ign, sportskeda